Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Last night at Corey's writing workshop's reading, I chose a seat away from everyone else who was there. Because I don't like to be around a group of people I don't know. I'm weird that way. I think I get on pretty well with strangers, but I'd much rather not. I've no problems saying hello, and making small talk, and asking questions, and talking about things. But I'd much rather not. I hate the familiarity people automatically assign themselves even if we've not met.

I met Brittany, what, seven years ago? We've talked maybe four times in all those years and I still think it's weird she hugs me when I see her. I mean, I suppose it's a nice thing to do but I don't know her, not really. And I think that's weird. A month ago, Corey and I began going to church and few weeks ago I met Alejandro (I think), one of the pastors, and we chatted a bit. The next week, pleasant and all, but he came over to say hello before service and hugged and kissed me on the cheek. I don't know him either and I think it's weird (Corey asked me a bit later what I thought about that because he knows I hate it when strangers touch me (which in itself is probably weird to everyone else), and while I can't recall what I said a few weeks back, I think it was the same.).

Last night at the church where the reading was held, I was thinking about six years back, when I first met Jobea and David and Justin at the Chuck Palahniuk reading. I don't remember how the three of us started talking. I was there on my own, so was Justin, and Jobea and David met on the plane as they moved to Las Vegas (I might be remembering this wrong), and clearly we were there for the same reason and we already had something in common, so probably it was that why we started talking. Funny thing is, as I'm sitting in the church last night, I'm thinking at every other of the type of event that I like like last night's reading, I've never made the effort to talk to anyone. How does that happen I wonder.

I like my space.

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